Sunday, January 29, 2006

a SEAHAWKS post...

Just some of the year's past 'game day' clothing. The shirts and lounge pants shown here didn't really help the 'Hawks out this year. Obviously, the white NFC Championship shirt was a recent purchase.

I have one shirt in particular that is worn on gameday under an unbuttoned "hickory" shirt. I started wearing it on game days AFTER the 'Hawks lost their second regular season game... seems to me it's been working pretty dad-gummed good. I won't count the Green Bay game... although both teams "officially" played that day Seattle really didn't seem to care.

So, the winning shirt... I can't break tradition now. The winning shirt stays in the drawer until game day. Then I'll get dressed in it, one of my hickory shirts and a well worn pair of Carrhart jeans to watch that Super Bowl XL coming up... soon.


1 comment:

Dennis said...

LOL. I can't seem to stay put when they're playing. So much for position...