Saturday, August 12, 2006

a little quiz...

From Sue’s blog:

#1 - The book nearest me …page 18 line 4:
Well, it's work related and very dry reading but nevertheless, it's a reference book and it's the only book near me right now.

NESC Handbook. Fifth Edition
”on occasion, a greater lag time is given to allow for full implementation;”

#2 Stretch out left arm…..what do you touch?
Door trim

#3 last thing watched on television…?
Fox News.

#4 Without looking what time is it?

#5 What actual time is it?

#6 With the exception of the computer what can you hear?
Droning on by news reporter, constant ringing, dog barking.

#7 When did you last step outside?
About three minutes ago.

#8 Before this survey what did you look at?
Sue’s blog posts.

#9 What are you wearing?
pocket Tee Shirt

#10 Did you dream last night?

#11 When did you last laugh?
This morning around 08:00 a.m. when a fellow worker called me. It’s been pretty solemn around here over the past several months.

#12 What is on the walls in the room?
4 bottle hanging wine rack, wrought iron clock with candles, shuttered mirror, southwest native american paintings.

#13 Seen anything weird lately?
Other than bpbil, his wife and her family... dolphins in the south end of Puget Sound. A small variety that is rarely seen this far south.

#14 What do you think of this quiz?
It’s alright. Not too thought provoking.

#15 What is the last film you saw?
Eight Below

#16 If you became a multi-millionaire what would you buy?
I’d pay off the mortgages of our son’s and daughter’s homes, ours and help anyone else I could (within reason) then I’d buy some remote property somewhere with breathtaking views so I could give the whole family a place to live in peace if they want.

#17 Tell me something we don’t know
I don’t like spiders almost as much as I don’t like attorneys! I like snakes better than both.

#18 If you could change one thing about the world, what would you do?
I’d mix in a little more compassion, understanding, tolerance, logic, sensibility, humility, perseverance and adventure and I’d mix in a little less rivalry, anger, greed, complacency, ineptness, dependency, ego and brutality.

#19 Do you like to dance?

#20 George Bush?
A man in a thankless job making decisions that can’t always and won’t always please everyone... including me.

#21 Imagine your first child is a girl
Our first child is a girl... wonderful, hard working, energetic, intelligent, spontaneous... in so many ways like her mother! She’s married to a young man who was meant for her. J and I couldn’t have selected a better person for her even if we were given the opportunity to. They are the parents of two of our precious grandkids.

#22 Imagine your first child is a boy
He’d be just like the son we already have... he just would have arrived earlier. Honest, hard working, intelligent, unique, dedicated, compassionate, patient and married to a wonderful young woman. Again, J and I couldn’t have selected anyone more matching for him than her. Together they're the expectant parents of our third grandchild... grand daughter to be exact! Very soon!

#23 Would you consider living abroad?
Absolutely. It would depend on where but yes, absolutely.

#24 What would God say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
”You're a long ways from home. Are you lost?”

#25 3 people who will do this quiz:
I don’t actually tag. If you want to try it, go for it!

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